Post Timestamps Policy

Created by Captain Isaac Rhodes on Mon Jul 11th, 2022 @ 8:52pm

Mission Post Header Fields

The mission field is how you tell your readers what mission the post belongs in. Think of this as the ‘episode’. Nova displays all active missions for you. Make sure you select the right mission, though, as there may be more than one running at the same time.

The timeline field is how you tell your readers when the post takes place in the continuity of the sim. It should always be written as the mission day followed by the military time so as to avoid confusion over whether the post is taking place during the ‘day’ or at ‘night’.

    Example: Day 01, 1649 Hours
The location field is how you tell your readers where the post takes place, whether aboard ship or somewhere else. It should always be written as the immediate location (e.g. room, building, or other descriptor) followed by the general location (e.g. ship, installation, planet).
    Example: Officer’s Mess Hall, USS Thejal
Note that the location doesn’t need to have the deck number listed unless it is relevant (i.e. “Corridor – Deck 05, USS Thejal”).

Within a Mission Post

In addition to the fields at the top of the post, all mission posts should have the time and location stamp immediately following the ‘ON:’ tag. This way, people reading the posts will be able to see the time and location more easily.
    Example: ON: [[Main Bridge, USS Thejal, Day 01, 0800 Hours]]
Whenever the location of a post changes, you should state as such in brackets along with the updated time of day (provided it isn’t too close to the time at the start of the post).
    Example: [Main Engineering, USS Thejal, 1659 Hours]

Personal Log Title

The title of a personal log must include either the position of the character (for official duty logs) or the phrase ‘Personal Log’ followed by the title.
    Example: Chief Science Officer’s Log – A Strange Occurance

Within a Personal Log

For the sake of appearance and continuity, players should use the following time and location stamp system for personal logs.
    ||Mission ???, Day ???, ??? Hours
    ||(location), USS Thejal (or elsewhere)

    Example: ||Mission 01 (Lost and Found), Day 01, 0800 Hours
    ||Ready Room, USS Thejal

Disciplinary Action Failure to consistently meet formatting requirements will result in a conversation with a member of the command staff.

Attempts will be made by the command staff to work with the player to improve their post quality. If this proves insufficient, the player may be required to complete the Pegasus Fleet cadet academy course.

Although extremely rare, players who still do not meet post quality expectations after all other measures have been exhausted may be removed from the sim.

It is possible for individuals who have been removed for quality issues to be reinstated. However, they must discuss the matter with the commanding officer and commit to a plan of action that will work toward meeting the formatting requirements.


Questions, comments, and concerns are always welcomed and should be directed to a member of the command staff via private message or email.

Modification and enforcement of this policy is at the discretion of the commanding officer.

See Also

Adapted from the “Timestamp Policy” of the USS Highlander. Used with permission.

Updated: 07/11/2022